A closed loop for plastic packaging

We live in a world with limited resources that need to be used carefully and for as long as possible. This is made possible by durable products, multiple use, by repairing instead of throwing away – and by recycling waste to obtain secondary raw materials that can be reused for new products.

This recyclable material cycle is intended to significantly reduce the consumption of non-regenerative raw materials, energy requirements as well as environmental pollution caused by waste and CO2 emissions. This approach plays a special role with packaging, as it is often only used once. Without functioning recycling, the resources used would definitely be lost.

Source: IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.

Share of recyclable plastic packaging

Legal guideline current

75 %

of household plastic packaging is recyclable

Legal guideline until 2025

90 %

should apply for this quota by 2025 according to the legislator


100 %

At PEKU, PE films are already up to 100% recyclable

PEKU is a pioneer when it comes to recyclable film packaging and the use of recyclates,
with an experience of over 15 years!

Source: IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V.